Living Light

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Ginger – Superhero in the Palm of Your Hand

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”  -Hippocrates

Ginger Root – don’t leave home without it! An easy, accessible, affordable, delicious, exceptional - Magical Root that supports the body in a myriad of ways. 

This is no ordinary root.  Ginger has the power to aid & support us day & night.  GINGER - the Superhero; ready for action.  Add ginger into your wellness routines, and you will feel the benefits immediately! 

Ginger is a Protector from disease, pathogens & illness.  It does so many wonderful things for the entire body, keeping the vibration high.  Ginger fights the bad stuff & promotes the good stuff – Easy! 

  Ginger is most well-known for helping the stomach & aiding in digestion.  Its magical properties get the muscles of the digestive system moving & flowing.  A dance that supports nutritional intake & absorption.  This also creates clear communication with the Heart, Brain & entire Body.  Our Overall Health is directly connected to our Gut Health. 

Other magical properties, include its prebiotic benefits.  The healthy flora of the mouth, gut, intestines, sinus, respiratory system & entire body are supported. Ginger also fights bad bacteria & pathogens, keeping all systems in healthy balance & energized.  Sweet!

  When going to a party; Carry some ginger root pieces with you.  They fit easy in a pocket or bag.   Just perfect if you need support for the rich food menu.

  Want an easy, natural Mouth Solution?  Skin & slice some fresh Ginger Root.  Add chewing on ginger into your mouth & teeth rituals.  Chew & let the juices flow – Try for 1-3 minutes or longer if desired.  Then enjoy swishing with water to create a Fresh, Natural Ginger Mouth Wash.  Tingly, Spicy, Refreshing - Lovely!

Very tasty & awakening in a Smoothie ~

 ENERGIZE Smoothie Recipe:

-     1 Banana

-     1 Orange

-     ½ cup Frozen Mango

-     ½ cup Fresh Baby Spinach

-     ½” Fresh Ginger Root

-     Water or Coconut Water

-     Change Recipe as Needed

-     Blend, Drink & Feel GREAT!

Ginger Root ~ the Superhero that fits in the Palm of Your Hand– a little bit goes a long way:

-     Aids in Digestion ~ Chew on Ginger before & after meals

-     Add Ginger slices to hot water with lemon & honey ~ Yum! 

-     Add fresh, skinned pieces of Ginger to Dental Wellness

-     Potent Anti-Inflammatory, Immune-Boosting, Germ Fighting & Pain Relief

-     Great for Pregnant & Breast-Feeding Mothers

-     Helps to Support Healthy, Pain-Free Moon Cycles

-     Improves Energy Levels

-     Supports Healthy Insulin Levels

-     Relieves Muscle Cramps & Soreness

-     Stomach Relief

-     Lowers Cholesterol

-     Healthy Fresh Tasting Mouth, Gums, Teeth

-     Makes Soups, Sauces, Juices & Desserts Delicious!

-     Add Energetic Up-Grading to your Ginger, with “I AM” Power Statements ~ results are magnified. 

Fabulous Wellness Affirmations - Ginger Root:

-     I Am Youthing, Radiant & Ageless

-     I Am Grounded Magnificence

-     I Am High Vibrational Energy

-     I Am Harmonic Balance

-     I Am Restored Brilliance & Perfection

-     I Am One with My Great I Am Presence

You are Amazing!  Enjoy your Light & Shine…  And take Ginger with you on the ride ~ the Superhero that fits in the palm of your hand & loves being on your side!

Enjoy learning more about the Magical Benefits of Ginger Root & a fabulous Ginger Water Recipe ~ with Medical Medium, Anthony William.
