Living Light

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Ageless Beauty – Master Programmer

"I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness." - Max Plank

Max Plank was explaining - everything that exists in matter, exists because of consciousness.

The human body is a Body of Light Consciousness.  The electrons are moving at light-speed within your atomic structure.  99.9..% of all matter is open space, in which the electrons flow.  Reality is space, energy & consciousness.  Matter is not solid…  

Unique, Divine & Perfect ~ each human body is a Light-Speed Super Computer!


The DNA is a hard drive holding information.  DNA is able to hold the time, space and information of the entire Universe – no joke! 


Each human Super-Computer is capable of Processing infinite information, in Multidimension Realms, at all times.  Much of the work is being done on an Unconscious Level.  Our Sub-Conscious is running the computer much of the time. 

It is up to each one, to Consciously Guide & Dictate the Mental language & inner dialogue:

·      What thoughts are you thinking about on a regular basis?

·      Are you on a mental diet?

·      Do you restrict heavy, toxic thoughts & chatter? 

·      Are you directing your thoughts to the Positive Side of things?

Mental Curating is a full-time job.  Controlling the mind & using imagination for the things you want, is the Key to creating your Dream Life!

  The Light Body Computer is ready for co-creatorship & consciousness instruction.  The process is simple:

-     Delete the Old Programming that No longer serves You

-     Download & Upgrade to the New Programing that serves You

This can be done with Simple instructions throughout the day, on a regular basis: 

1)  Center in your Heart with gentle breaths

2)  Ground your roots, send down your Energy & feel your feet

3)  Speak out loud or quietly

4)  Start with phrases to Cancel & Delete the Old


-     I cancel & delete any consciousness around the belief in

“ _______________ “

-     “ _______________ “ is Not Real

-     “ _______________ “ has No Power

-     “ _______________ “ is an Illusion


5)  Use the Energy of the Heart - Breath & Release the old beliefs

6)  Make Positive Statements & Affirmations to Program the NEW


-     the “I Am” is the key to programing our experiences

-     I Am receiving the Divine Perfect Programs of

“ _______________ “

-     I Am Perfect Health, Perfect Wealth, Perfect Love & Perfect Light!

-     I Am Downloading, Upgrading & Updating to the New Programs of Perfection


7)  Do some Heart-Centering Breaths & allow the New Programing to enter the Heart & flow into the entire body

8)  Great job – You are a Master Programmer!


PROGRAM YOUR BEAUTY & SKIN RITUALS – You will See & Feel the Results Quickly! 

-     As You Wash Your Face & Body

-     As You Apply Your Magical, Beauty Elixirs

-     Use your Consciousness ~ Program your Most Magnificent Self



POWERFUL Anti-Aging Programing Routines: 


·      I cancel & delete any old beliefs & programs around aging & disease

·      I clear, cancel & delete any old illusions around aging

·      Disease, death & aging have NO Power & are NOT Real! 


·      I Am Ageless & Youthing

·      I Am Divine Beauty & Brilliance

·      I Am my Most Magnificent, Ageless Self

·      I Am God/Goddess Beauty in Perfect Flowing Harmony

·      I Am Radiating my Brilliant Light to the World & the World is Radiating is Brilliant Light back 


·      Visualize your Radiant Skin & Uplifted Features

·      See your Skin Glowing & Shining

·      Imagine your Smile, Happy Eyes & Sparkle

·      You are a Radiant Divine Being

·      Let this be your Inner Vision

·      Let you Inner Create the Outer ~ it is the Law of Energy!

Enjoy these high vibrational beauty products that we love - to support your Ageless, Radiance & Magnificence Beauty Programing: