Living Light

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Home Flow – Sacred Sanctuary

“I dream my painting and I paint my dream.” 
- Vincent van Gogh 

Your Dream Life begins in your Consciousness – in your Divine Body Temple. 

The world around each one, will mirror back this expression of Consciousness.  Intentionally surrounding yourself with Harmony,will activate great Joy & Success in ALL areas of life.  Creating a Home of Sacred Space, will be a foundation for this Success. 

Creating your Sacred Home Sanctuary starts with CLEARING. 

Think of the Home as a mirror for your own Body Temple; reflecting energies & expressions.  If you are living in a home with visible & hidden clutter, broken items, closets over-flowing, too many projects unfinished – this can show itself in other areas of life and the Body. 


-     Take the time to go through drawers, closets, cabinets, basements, bags, tubs…

-     Do you Love the things you are holding onto?  Do they serve a purpose or function?

-     Open the channels of Abundance & Give, Give, Give away – giving away unused items will ensure, new & better pieces will come back your way.


Clearing the home of clutter and over-flow is perhaps the most important part of Creating your Sacred Sanctuary.  This is a process and will take time.  Give yourself the space to have the emotional healing & release, that may come up along the way. 

Much of what we have held on to for years, is connected to family, relationships, teachers, society…  Be Patient & Loving with yourself and others.  Be open to the new thoughts & ideas of Inspiration.


Streamline the process by making 4 Piles:

1)  Keep

2)  Give Away

3)  Discard or Recycle

4)  Unsure


Align with that which you truly Love & all will Flow with greater Ease. 

KEEP the things you Love & have a use for.  Beautiful items around us Inspire & Uplift.  Keeping art & collectibles is important.  And know that there are always more items on their way to you.  Keep some space open for the new items on the way…

  Give away items you Love also.  This can be challenging.  Yet, know that the laws of the Universe ensure, more will come back to you in PERFECTION - the highest level good of all.  Keep the exchange of Giving & Receiving open and free – this is true Prosperity Consciousness.  Money & needed items will flow your way.

  Discard or Recycle items that are mildewed, stained, broken, used or unneeded.  It is OK to throw away & recycle items.  Holding onto these items can take away from Living Light Space.  Give room to New & Fresh Energy in your Home.  Focus on the that which you Love.


The #4 Pile – UNSURE, will be easier to decide as you go through the rest.  Keep it out.  Look at it.  Be with these items.  Really consider how they make you feel.  Then they go into either of the #1-#3.  Keep, Give Away, Discard or Recycle - Repeat & Enjoy! 

1)  CLEAN:

-     Continue to raise the Energy/Frequency of the Space as you Dust, Vacuum & use Natural cleaners.

-     Preparing your Space in this way, will give the room for Physical, Emotional, Mental, Etheric & Spiritual Clearing.

-     Cleaning & clearing the Home will reflect back in all areas of life.


-     You are AWESOME! 

-     You have done the heavy lifting & are now ready to Create new Balance, Beauty & Harmony.

-     Invest in Storage Containers & Reusable Tubs.

-     Invest in Clear Containers – Pyrex, Plastic, Glass.  Enjoy seeing all your beautiful items & ease of finding them.

-     Enjoy the journey to fill back up the Drawers, Cabinets, Closets, Tubs & free Space.  It will be fun!

-     Bring in Symmetry, Balance, Natural Light & Open Space.


-     Let your Home be your Canvas. 

-     This is the time to bring in Fresh Colors of Paint, Prints & Fabrics.

-     Add in Crystal Altars, Mirrors, Plants, Candles, Salt Lamps, Wellness Lighting.

-     Keep some Space Open & Free. 

-     Give room for Energy to Flow.

-     Apply the “Path of Least Resistance”.


Taking the steps to Create a Home of Light, will benefit all areas of Life! 

-     The Body will reflect more Health. 

-     Relationships with Self, the Divine & others will have Space to be Nourished & Flourish. 

-     Spiritual Awakening & Activations will be Magnified. 

-     Ideas & Inspiration will Flow.

-     Abundance & Money will Flow with Greater ease.  Abundance loves Free Flow, Giving, Receiving, Joy, Peace, Beauty & Clear Movement.

You are a Master Being.  Expand your Light & Open to Your Magical Home Sanctuary - just waiting for you to Create…  

Enjoy Divine Guidance & Inspiration – be Supported with Home Flow…


-     Use for Countertops, Doorknobs, Glass, Windows, Mirrors, Tiles, Bath, Kitchen, Outdoor

-     1 Part Vodka

-     1 Part Water

-     40-60 Drops Essential Oils ~ per 32 fluid oz.

-     Essential Oils – Mix, Personalize & Enjoy.

-     Try Different Oil Blends & Combinations.

-     OIL OPTIONS = Peppermint, Lemon, Lavender, Orange, Lime, Basil, Rosemary, Eucalyptus, Cedarwood, Pine, Bergamot, Grapefruit

-     STRONG OIL OPTIONS – USE Sparingly = Clove, Thyme, Oregano, Cinnamon, Lemongrass, Citronella

-     Enjoy this Recipe as a Natural Bug Repellant.

******NOT for use on Hard Wood, Wood Finish or Delicate Porous Surfaces.