Living Light

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Let Color be Your Guide - Home Flow

“With color one obtains an energy that seems to stem from witchcraft. ”
-Henri Matisse

The Home is a place to Inspire, Muse & Celebrate - a garden ready for seed planting & Conscious Creating! 

Be Supported by Color Vibration, as you Cultivate & Enhance Your Home - to be a Magical Success Mirror for your life.   

Matisse understood that Color is Magical!

Color is Vibration that is seen & unseen. 

Visible Colors are experienced within a Spectrum that is Seen, Received, Perceived, Expressed…  Ultra-Violet Light & Invisible Colors are pouring onto the Planet.  One can see a glimmer of a rainbow through a crystal – then Invisible Light becomes Visible Color.

And down the rabbit hole of Creation we go…

How do you use Color?  How do you Express your Inner Home Sanctuary through Color & Vibration?


The frequency & vibration of each & every color is different.  Bringing certain hues to certain areas of your home, can enhance & direct the experience there. 

The Visible Rainbow Spectrum is comprised of Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo & Violet.  And there are an Infinite number of different Shades, Opalescence, Hues, Pigments, Metallics, Ombres, Prints & Patterns.


Work with the Colors You LOVE & Your Home Energy will Flow!

Bring in color through a variety of mediums.

Experiment & Explore with Fresh and New Hues.

˙       Paint, Wallpaper & Trims

˙       Art & Photography

˙       Pillows & Furniture

˙       Plants & Crystals

˙       Curtains & Blinds

˙       Throws & Tapestries

˙       Ceramics & Sculpture

˙       Mirrors & Frames

˙       Lighting & Glass


-     Turquoise

-     Greens

-     Blues

-     Corals & Pinks

-     Pearls & Opalescence

-     Silvers & Golds


The Bathroom is a place for Regeneration & Alignment.  Here one can quiet the outside world & tune into SELF.  A busy spot in the house & the most exclusive.  Use Hues in this space to enhance Inspiration & Sacred Sanctuary.


-     Blues & Violets

-     Deep Indigos & Blacks

-     Pinks, Reds & Whites

-     Silvers & Golds

The Bedroom is a Sleeping, Dreaming, Sensual Sanctuary.  A place to Awaken with Inspiration & Joy each day.  A place to be caressed into a deep peaceful sleep each night.  Use Pigments to enhance a playful room of fun, rest, glamour & passion.


-     Bright Oranges & Golden Yellows

-     Fresh Emeralds & Herbal Greens

-     Bronzes, Coppers & Golds

-     Whites, Silvers & Platinum’s


The Kitchen is the Heart of the Home!  A place of Creation, Love, Laughter, Exploration & Regeneration.  Use this Space as a Canvas for Joy, Creativity & Family Harmony.


-     Violets, Sapphires & Soft Blue Lavenders

-     Whites, Silvers & Golds

-     Earthy Chocolates & Greys

-     Ruby & Peacocks


Your home may have a number of Sacred Spaces & Sanctuaries.  Places for connecting with the Divine & Spirit within.  Use colors for Activating Higher Inspiration & Magical Consciousness.  Use Images & Prints to Awaken and Expand.  Explore with a palette that feels Mystical, Up-Lifting, Refreshing & Rejuvenating. 

Let color be your Guide & Create a Journey throughout your Sacred Home.  Cultivate Home Flow & Energy = Experience High Vibrations!