Welcome to Living Light -

The Place for Master Creators!


Empowerment & Transformational - Sessions, Creation & Coaching


with Alissa Jane -

Intuitive Energy Guide, Mentor & Design Muse


Experience -

Intuitive Design, Wellness, Home Flow, Beauty, Pleasure & much more!


Meet Alissa Jane

Energy Guide -

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Choose Your Path:

Energy Flow, Natural Care & Peace

Empowerment, Pleasure & Creation

Alignment, Clarity & Abundance

Sacred Living, Success & Sanctuary


Experience Unique Direction & Guidance -

Cultivate the Pillars for Successful Living & Conscious Creation.

Living Light Sessions Support & Activate the Personal Journey of Self-Empowerment & Transformation.


Happy Customers!


“Wow! All this is mind blowing

in an out of this world way... Thank you for helping me see through the illusions of reality to the sacred spaces of the Divine. It’s so fantastic to be learning new ways of seeing and being.”

- Missy, MD

“…Alissa has a strong intuition

on what another person needs to accomplish positive change in their life. Being an empath, she knows how to deliver info in a kind and respectful manner. You know she cares about what she does and how it helps you...”

- Tree, CT

Learn to Harness Your Power, Consciously Create & be in Divine Flow.


Ready to access your gifts more fully..?


Pleasure Empowerment

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Sacred Creation & Design

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Feminine Wellness & Pleasure

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Quantum Creation & Alchemy

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