It is through Sacred Relationship with Self

- that each one finds wholeness.


From this place, Perfect Partnership & Divine Union with Self & Another will Flourish.


Sacred Relationship

is the Path of Empowerment & Ascension - the balanced relationship of the Divine Feminine, Divine Masculine & Divine Child within.


It all starts with Self -



- Self-Care, Self-Love,



Self-Nurturing, Self-Enjoyment,


Self-Expression, Self-Sustaining


Learn to Create Your Foundation for Alchemical Union ~


-     Light Body Ascension & Healing

-     Developing the Relationship with Self & Partner more fully

-     Divine Alignment for Perfect Partnerships

Alchemical, Quantum Energy Practice:

-     Heart Breath Journey Work

-     Sacral Womb Activations

-     Abundance, Manifestation & Creation

Develop Pleasure Tool Practice:

-     Sacred Crystal Eggs & Wands

-     Heart Breath & Ancient Egyptian Fire Breath

-     Sex Magic  

& more…


Are You interested in Spiritual Awakening through Pleasure?

Do you yearn to bring your romantic experiences to a higher level?

Are you ready to experience more pleasure with greater ease?


Cultivate your Practice -

Sacred Pleasure Tool Support:


-  Wellness & Confidence

-  Libido, Fertility & Balance

-  Healing of Trauma, Painful Intercourse & Moons

-  Juicy, Powerful, Supple, Articulate Yoni

-  Increase Sensation

-  Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor & Bladder


Experience more Confidence and Pleasure 

- with Your Partner & Self-Expression. 

Enjoy Yourself more in all areas of Life!


Be Supported on Your Sacred Journey ~ with Alissa Jane

- Passion Pleasure Activator, Sacred Relationship & Alchemy Coach.


“My Soul Mission ~ is to Support & Activate beings on their path of Self-Empowerment, Magnificence & Creation - through Self Awakening”


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Natural Feminine Wellness