Reunion of Souls at Sacred Mount Shasta -

Remember Your Lemurian Lineage During the 1st Golden Age.

Connect to Telos, the Pleiadians, the Arcturians, the Ancient Elder Whales and the Golden Dragons

in Hollow Earth. We have heard the Call to Return. The Sacred Earth known as Mother MU calls us. We ask to be the Hands & Feet of Spirit & Bring the Voices of Truth into the World.

The Ancient Lemurian truths will speak through us for all to hear. We are the oracles of prophecy,

and We are Servants of the Light. We are Conscious Creators. We are called to Connect to Ancient Lemuria to Re-Birth the Template of Unity.


Enjoy the Magic & Activations of High Priestess

~ Mermaid Mahalia!

Treasures from the Deep of the Retreat…

The Beautiful High Vibrations & Sacred Tones…

New Earth Ambassador & Activator ~ Lauren Galey!



Questions or Reflections -

Book a Welcome Session