Beauty and Design



Love Your HOME -

Focusing on Fine Details, High Quality Materials, Color, Pattern, Sustainability & Energy Alignment - Free Flow.


Create Your Sanctuary

Home of Harmony, Energy & Light

Experience Inspiration

Home of Abundance, Comfort & Sacred Spaces

Reiki Master - Intuitive

Alissa Jane combines her Energetic Skills & Design Mastery - to Create Sacred Style & Luxurious Living.


The Foundation & Space for Success -


Exquisite Bedrooms

to spark Romance, Rest & Deep Dreaming


Brilliant Windows

to awaken Light, Pattern & Color


Natural Living

to activate High Vibrations


Beautiful Style

to radiate your Divine Self


Embody Your LOVE

Conscious Style, Fine Fabrics, Beautiful Details & Couture Finishing


“ I love to create and make beauty with others.”

Artist & Design Visionary Alissa Jane is a Master Creator.  She has worked on a vast array of inspirations, themes, mediums, body-types & homes.

Enjoy Creation in Harmony with Intuition & Joy.  The world of Design Conception to finished Creations - becomes a Magical, Fun & Unique Experience with Alissa Jane.


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Alissa Jane received her Bachelors degree in Fashion Design & Graphic Arts from Marist college. Her experience includes Industry, Patterns, Graphics, Production, Sales, Art Direction, Styling & Custom Design.