The Sacred Art of Conscious Creation -


Learn to Utilize

Energy Skills, Alchemy Tools & the Quantum Field


Be a Conscious Creator - through Quantum Understanding.


Manifestation and Abundance

-      Utilize SATS & other Manifestation Techniques

-      Quantum Physics

-      Timeline Jumping

Skills and Guidance

-    Unique, Intuitive Direction, Protocols & Planning

-    Meditation & Visualization

-    Personal Mantras & “I Am” Power Statements

Confidence and Empowerment

-      Vibrational Alignment 

-      Self-Expression & Creation

-      Journey Work


Energy and Alchemy



-      Heart & Sacral Womb Activations

-      Sacred Geometry & Numerology

-      Ancient Egyptian Fire Breath

-      Sacred Rays & Flames


-      Pattern Re-Gridding

-      Alchemical Reiki Master

-      Healing & Energy Sessions

-      Integration Work


When one understands more fully, the energy principles that create our world - one can create with greater ease.


Cultivate Your Connection

with Your Personal Mission Team more fully .

- Angels, Guides, Ascended Masters, Mothers, Ancestors & more.


Co-Create with Enlightened Beings & Dimensions


Successful Living is a Balance of Health, Wealth, Love & Light.  A Foundation for Dreams & Magnificence to Thrive.  A Platform for Wellness, Well-Being, Success & Multi-Dimensional Harmony.


Are you ready?


Enjoy Support, Activation & Guidance with Alissa Jane

- Certified Reiki Master, Alchemy & Manifestation Coach.


“Bliss is our birthright.


We all have the power to create our most magnificent life experiences.  I invite you to journey with me, find the true essence of your Divinity & access your Infinite Power within.”


Learn More

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