“Each of the seven chakras are governed by spiritual laws, principles of consciousness that we can use to cultivate greater harmony, happiness, and wellbeing in our lives and in the world.”
Is it possible to align with your Higher Purpose, while enjoying great pleasure? Can we express our sensual nature & be Divine?
In fact, this is our Birthright! We are meant to enjoy, give & receive Pleasure. Our Sacred Sensual Nature is one with God, Goddess, Source - & our Higher Selves. During Sexual Pleasure & Climax, we are in full Divine Flow.
How can we HARNESS this Power, Potential & Pleasure more fully?
Many Ancient Cultures dedicated much time & study to understanding these energy principles & techniques. China, Tibet, Egypt & India; all share Sacred Sexual Lineages. And many of the Principles & Practices are similar - as Energy follows Energy Laws.
These Ancient Mystery Schools honored this practice, as being a Divine Spiritual Path, as well as Scientific.
Tantra, Sex Magic, the Magdalens are some of the words you may have heard before. These words may excite you and create a yearning to know more…
Just knowing this, will elevate your Romantic Experiences to the next level. One Amazing tool, Super Easy to practice is – Partner Chakra Alignment! And you will feel the results.
STEPS for Partner CHAKRA Alignment:
1) Create a Foundation of TRUST & Permission:
Ask your Partner if they are open to Energy Work. Once this has been established, Practice at will. Whether or not your Partner is Consciously Participating, they will Feel the Results!
2) Take time to Feel Your Partner’s Energy:
Breath, hug, hold one another and just be for a few moments.
3) Practice Eye Gazing:
Enjoy your Partner’s beautiful eyes. Take Pleasure in this Light upon You. Enjoy some Breaths, with Eye Gazing - Receiving the Love Light of one another.
4) Begin with the Root Chakra:
Begin at the Base Chakra – the Root. First, Breath into Your Own Root Chakra. Let your Red Wheel Spin and move the Energies Freely. See & Envision Bright, Beautiful Red Spinning Color.
5) Merge & Connect Your Root Chakra with Your Partner’s Root Chakra:
After You feel your own Root Chakra Awakening, begin the practice. Let your Energy Flow. Let it Flow from your Base Chakra, into your Partners. Imagine your Partner’s Chakra is Spinning - Red, Bright & Beautiful. See their Red Energy Flow into your Base; while your Red Energy, Flows into theirs.
6) Rise up the 7 Chakras & Repeat:
Begin next to Breath & Activate the Energy in your own 2nd Chakra – the Sacral Chakra – a Brilliant, Spinning Orange Wheel. After You feel it’s Awakening, let your Energy Flow & Exchange with your Partners’. Continue to rise up the Rainbow of 7 Chakras & Repeat.
7) Allow the Intelligence of the Chakra System to do the Work:
The innate Intelligence of the Chakras, know how to Balance, Align, Activate, Harmonize & Heal the entire Body! This is a Subtle, Alchemical Process. And the results will be Potent.
8) Have FUN & Feel the BLISS - Let it Flow:
This is a Powerful Alchemical, Energy Tool! As you move up the Chakras, the Energy builds with momentum. It will move faster and feel stronger. When you arise at the Violet Crown & Merge all 7 Chakras with Your Partner – You are in a Sacred Space of Divine Union. The God, Goddess, Source within You both will FLOW. You will be in Divine alignment with your Higher Presence, Purpose & Soul Mission. Your Intuition & Divine Gifts will Awaken more fully.