Living Light

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Light Body – Ascension Temple

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

― Nikola Tesla

The human body is a body temple of Light & Love; magnetics, electrical impulses & Energy.  As we dive deeper and deeper into the physical form of the body, it is comprised of atoms.  Atoms that are 99.99…% space.  Space in which electrons flow, spin & vibrate.  The Frequency of Life! 

When the human body is at the optimal state of health, the electrons are spinning at the speed of Light.  This light is Information – the same Information & Consciousness that creates the Universe.  Flowing into the order of DNA, Sequencings, Colors, Structure & Form.

Light is information and Living Light is Living Life fulfilled.

Light is color we see and some we do not.  Very high speeds of Light are invisible to the human eye.  Everything we see and do not, is comprised of Light Frequencies. 

Love is also a component of these energetics.  Light is considered to be the Positive aspect of Electrical current.  While Love is the Negative Electrical charge – and the opposite.  Love gives Space for Light to Flow. 

The whole of Energy can be understood as Negative & Positive Electrical Impulses.  Mirroring & balancing in opposite Electrical Charges & Energy Flow.  This keeps all of Energy flowing and moving.  This creates the Laws of Energy that comprise the Universe. 

Love is the Divine Feminine aspect of Energy.  Light is the Divine Masculine aspect.  They are 2 parts of a whole & they are ultimately One.  When merged together in perfect Flow, the Divine Child aspect is attained – the Wisdom of Golden Creation.  Alchemy at its best.

The Human Body is a Living Temple of Rainbow Light.  Chakras rising in frequency and color.  Red at the Base Chakra, with all sequential colors rising up the spine.  Reaching to Violet at the Crown Chakra. 

Our Body holds all Speeds of Color & Frequency.  When at the optimal level of Health, the Human body flows in a Perfect Rainbow.  All Electrical Components, flowing in Perfection.

The word Ascension describes the Awakening process for Humanity.   

Ascension is the speeding up & rising up of the electrons in the body.  The electrons will flow at a Higher and faster frequency, bringing the body into its original state.  Perfect Health, Perfect Wealth, Perfect Love & Perfect Light.  That is Ascension.

Ascension is our Birthright.  The Human Light Body, Rainbow Temple wants to flow at the Perfect Speed of Light & Love.  The Signature Keynote of Your Body Temple is Unique & Special.  No one can hold this space, except you.

How do we up our Light quotient?  Why do we want to?

If the body is in a state of disease, the electrons are not flowing optimally.  This happens as emotions, trauma, energetic debris…  become stuck in the field. 

Practice of raising the Body’s Energy is extremely valuable!  It keeps the Body a Space of Flow & Energetic Success.


-     Get out into Nature

-     Create Art & Inspiration

-     Gardening & House Plants

-     Exercise & Dance

-     Journal Gratitude’s

-     Eat Raw Fruits & Vegetables

-     Have a Romantic, Love Session

-     Singing & Playing Music

-     Simmer some Sweet Aromas on the Stove

-     Meditate & Release Tension

-     Sleep


 Be Inspired & CHECK OUT these amazing High Frequency Resources: